Postshot User Guide

Getting Started

Creating your first 3D scene with Postshot is as easy as this:

1. Shoot video or images with any camera

If you want to skip this step for now, you can use our example video instead of shooting your own.

As your first example, pick an object that you can walk around, like a chair. Use a smartphone to shoot a video of the object and its surroundings. Point the camera at the object and move around it to capture it from as many angles as possible. For example, shoot 3-4 rings at different heights, starting near the ground and eventually moving above the object.

2. Generate the scene in Postshot

Drag and drop the video file into Postshot. A popup window will appear that allows you to configure your training run. But for now, we'll use the defaults. Simply click Import.

Postshot will now generate a 3D scene from the video. This process takes several minutes. You can watch the scene come alive and move around it as the points, camera positions and the radiance field are generated.

3. Render movie or export 3D scene

When the 3D scene was trained you have several options to use it. But first, remember to save the scene.

You can create a camera in Postshot, change it's properties like the focal-length, animate a camera trajectory and render out movies. Keep in mind that the image quality will be better the closer the render camera is to any of the training cameras.

You can use Adobe After Effects and load the Postshot scene using the Postshot plugin. Then you can use camera controls and animation in After Effects to compose and render your scene.

If you have trained your scene using the Splat profile, you can also export it as a PLY file. You can use this file in various other apps and viewers that support Gaussian Splatting.

Questions and Feedback

If you have any questions or if you want to share your results or experience, feel free join our Discord Chat or email us at